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Topics related to the development of REI3 applications
Filtering by User-ID
read file data stored in file ssytem
Overcoming reporting problems
question about dipslying numbers in list
Add support JSON data type
N:M relationship input field with paging in result show
Working with file attachments
All backend REST calls fail with bad request
pass value to front-end function(event handler)
spanish traslation
use relation variable to add new record
Frontend Function to open new tab with HTML
Custom Contact Type - Organisation
CSV Import Error
Delete all records from entity and reset id counter
Custom action on list item
Favourites and stored columns/filters - save and then adjust?
3.10 issue: editing "refresh every X seconds" on list options
3.10 Heads Up: 'filter sets' behind 'expert' tickbox
event for deleting record of list
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