usr338 Hi, I think another feature that is useful (and my be essential) is the option of paging for viewing result of selection in N:M relationship input field .
Pagination is available in relationship input fields for all types (including n:m). The only exception is the category display option - but this should not be paged in any event.
usr338 ability to define paging size may be good too.
I strongly disagree in this regard. Making that configurable would mean that each app and each input could work differently. Consistency is king especially in inputs that are very often used. We have an idea for improving paginated results (so that it becomes unnecessary in many cases), but its not scheduled yet.
usr338 also, i think when user select 'all ' in selection mode, he/she expect to all possible data be selected not just current page(or filtered result), isn't it ?
This does not consider, that many relationship inputs have to deal with hundreds or even hundreds of thousands of records. If I assign something to a group of people, and my system knows 250.000 people, it would fill my input with a huge number of records that I now need to remove. In most cases, I want to add a few entries to a relationship input, not hundreds.
The way the all
action is meant to be used is this: You filter down the relationship input via the search (occurs automatically when you start typing). This way you can filter for all employess of a department or all tickets of a certain type. And then with the all
action you automatically insert all values that were pre-filtered.
Want to share something with all colleagues of a department? Type in the department name and then click on all
to assign it to all members. If there are more than 10 members, yes you have to click all twice or more times.
usr338 or another button for selecting all possible option is needed?
Not sure if its strictly necessary, but this could be useful in some use cases. Or change the all
action behavior if you shift+click on it - or something similar. I´ll add it to the list for when we touch the relationship input again.