Thanks Gabriel for the very quick response, it is remarkable..
My ERD looks like this:

On the form, I show/edit publish_group and the blue arrow represent list 1 on my form and the related records are maintained in this list (add/update/delete)
On the second list, I want to show only the records related to a selected/current record from list 1.
I tried in second list to maintain the relation via the long route (green) but I think because the center object (publish_source) is repeated on the screen, it messes something up (after update, the direct relationship source -> connection is reset, related column is set to NULL)
On the form, I have the 2 lists:

And on F11, I set the after change JS, but that does not fire after updates to that list, only on save/open, and then the app.get... returns all IDs in the list, not just the added/updated one. F11 = list1 (blue), F13 = list2 (green)
F13 filter is set to filter via long route (green) using record ID of the _group, and ideally, _source should be added as only selected/current from F11, which is the part I just can not get.
I hope this is detailed enough to show what try to do. The reason for wanting the second list to show related only is to give complete picture on one form, without opening another to show only the related records. Quick way to just click on list one to see related in list 2, without going into edit mode. (less chance of someone changing things)