Hi Gabriel,
I've tried what you suggested with no luck. But I have a new clue of what could be happening. Perhaps you know how to solve it.
In my environment REI3 is running under Docker with Linux at host, for both instances (source an target). I have tried the test several times but it doesn't work, even following your sequence.
After that I have started a portable REI3 instance on Windows. The application I created and exported from Linux I can import in Windows neither. The same error message is shown.
So I have recreated the application in the Windows instance with a new key pair. I have signed it in Windows with the private key and I have distributed the public one to the Linux target instance. Then I have imported successfully the application.
At this point, I guess that the problem is related to the signature that is generated with the private key in the source Linux instance. Could it be that the sign process (GO runtime, native libraries or other dependencies) does not produce the same signature depending on the operating system?
Well, I hope this helps to solve the issue because is the only difference I find.
Thanks for your time!