Hello, @gabriel
I encountered a problem importing from a csv file into my "incidents" entity.

A bit of context: I have an "incidents" entity in which I fill in data on cyber attacks from open sources, and this entity has an attribute "Victim category" - the values of this attribute are determined by the "attack_victim_category" entity. The "victim category" attribute in the "incidents" entity is required to be filled in.
This is a list for CSV import:

When I try to load records through csv into the "incidents" entity, an error appears, but if I remove the requirement to fill in the "victim category" attribute, everything goes smoothly, but this field is not filled in from the csv file.

In addition, when importing csv into the "incidents" entity, R3 for some reason gives an error about the violation of the uniqueness of the key in the "attack_victim category" entity, although I do not want to change anything there.
How can I solve this problem? I will be glad to receive a hint