Hi Gabriel. I just spend another 2 hours trying to figure out the issue. While I don't completely understand what's happening, I managed to narrow it down a bit.
It turns out that if I reboot the server machine while I'm logged in REI3 from a client browser, when the server is back running up, I won't be able to connect from the client anymore. The solution (which seems to work half the time):
- is to stop
or shutdown the server
- operate an "Empty cache and hard reload" on the client's browser
- start
or boot the server machine back up
- wait few 20 seconds to give rei3 some time to fully start
It feels like when a web page loose connection with the server, there are some data that remains in the cache and prevents it from being able to connect back after then. I'm not 100% sure about this because some times the steps above didn't fix the "Waiting for server connection..." issue.
Also, I'm not sure about what the setting sslSkipVerify
in config.json means, but it seems that it needs to be set to true for the server to be accessible at all, with SSL activated.
To conclude, while I can manage to setup and access an REI3 instance, I still haven't found an answer to this topic's title on how to setup a reliable REI3 instance; one which clients could access without worry...
If there are any information that I could provide to help solve this, I'm willing to share.
Again, thanks for making this product freely accessible