Working with the frontend, you would use regular JavaScript inside a frontend function. This is an example of a GET call with handling of the result data and error:
'Authorization':'Bearer MYTOKEN'
res => {
// res has the result body, this could be JSON, XML or anything else
err => {
// the error case is handled here, err contains the error message
You can find examples for frontend functions in many apps (REI3 Tickets, Password Safe, TimeTracker, ...). In the error case, you could use an instance function to show a dialog with the error message (placeholders for these are available in the function editor).
For the backend, you would call a backend function with your data from the frontend function that fetched it - JSON would be a good choice as argument type to send a lot of data and easily parse it on the backend. Once you created a backend function (and enabled the 'frontend call' option) you can find it´s placeholder in the frontend function editor.
I do not have a lot of time today - I can look for a backend example tomorrow. Maybe you can get the frontend part ready til then. The short version is: The backend function receives the JSON data, parses it and then executes INSERT/UPDATE statements to write to the DB.