The implementation of the PW-Safe app in REI3 is based on end-2-end encryption. There is no way to give access to entries that have not been encrypted for somebody else, unless a person with access grants it. Reason being, that somebody needs to be able to read encrypted information, before being able to encrypt it for somebody else.
E2EE is a high security standard which does not allow convenience features that some other encryption schemes can offer. It makes sure that no-one (including admins, software manufacturers & potential attackers) can access data as long as they do not get user credentials, even if they have access to the system or database.
As @lsw-fabian mentioned, there is a setting, where new entries receive a specified group by default (like an admin group); this could help you in the future. However it can be overwritten by the user as it´s still up to the individual to decide who should get access.
As for how to address your issue at the moment: You will need to convenience affected users to grant the desired access. Nobody can make their encrypted data readable, unless they decide that this is what they want.