Ive an stupid question?
How must the condition looks?
to Explain what i mean.
Ive created an relation it calls settings.
I will use this table with predefined dataset to control my application.
This table has only one dataset, and every column is an setting.
The first setting called debug_enables as an boolean.
With this value i will check is debug on or off.
I make this dataset not delete able, but changeable
Ive created an basic form were i can change the setting(s)
And now comes the thing ;-)
How can i read the value, this method not work
true or 1 not work
And how can i access this dataset in frontend function do make use of message boxes or form messages.
I did not found an instance function to use it.
Pseudo code, not an real function:
Exist an function like this for example
if(app.getpredfined_dataset("setting.debug_mode") == true)
app.form_show_message("info: "+app.get_field_value({F9: 0 customer_adresses.customerid}), 20000);
Make use from Global variables are only valid to the browser window/tab. Not the whole site over all browser windows.
Ive tried the first run, with global variable but without success, because the other tabs dont know that the variable change. So i think with predefined dataset was the better approach
Thank you very much!
Best regards bonkersdeluxe