This is an example:
"0(ticket)": {
"id": 123,
"start": 123,
"last_changed": 123,
"closed": true,
"closed_on": 123,
"key": "ABC",
"requested_for": 456,
"api": 456,
"api_requested_for": "ABC",
"assigned_to": 456,
"attachment": [
"changed": 1677925664,
"hash": "FILE_HASH",
"id": "FILE_UUID",
"name": "FILE_NAME",
"size": 240,
"version": 0
"closing_text": "ABC",
"context": 456,
"created_by": 456,
"criticality": 456,
"description": "ABC",
"is_mail": true,
"is_spam": true,
"is_problem": true,
"is_template": true,
"team": 456,
"subject": "ABC",
"state": 456,
"type": 456,
"reason": 456,
"pending_time": 123,
"pending_reached": true,
"pending_color": "ABC",
"originating_ticket": 456,
"note": "ABC",
"template": 456,
"text_block": 456,
"related_to_problem": 456
"1(contact)": {
"id": 123,
"department": 456,
"display_name": "ABC",
"forename": "ABC",
"surname": "ABC",
"phone_mobile": "ABC",
"email": "ABC",
"is_active": true
"2(department)": {
"id": 123,
"name": "ABC",
"location": 456
"3(location)": {
"id": 123,
"name": "ABC",
"organization": 456
"4(organization)": {
"id": 123,
"name": "ABC"
"5(worklog)": {
"id": 123,
"note": "ABC",
"note_short": "ABC",
"attachment": [
"changed": 1677925664,
"hash": "FILE_HASH",
"id": "FILE_UUID",
"name": "FILE_NAME",
"size": 240,
"version": 0
"created_by": 456,
"action_copy_history": true,
"action_history_available": true,
"action_remove_images": true,
"agent": 456,
"change_subject": true,
"closed": true,
"created_on": 123,
"creation_date": 123,
"criticality": 456,
"device": 456,
"is_draft": true,
"is_mail": true,
"is_outgoing": true,
"is_parent": true,
"is_public": true,
"originating_mail": "ABC",
"originating_ticket": 456,
"parent_child": 456,
"pending": 123,
"problem_contact_stakeholder": true,
"read_by_agent": true,
"requested_for": 456,
"signature": 456,
"state": 456,
"modification_reason_additional": "ABC",
"modification_reason": 456,
"mail_sent": true,
"mail_send_time": 123,
"text_block": 456,
"team": 456,
"subject": "ABC",
"ticket": 456,
"type": 456
"6(ticket)": {
"id": 123
"7(worklog)": {
"id": 123,
"action_copy_history": true,
"action_history_available": true,
"action_remove_images": true,
"agent": 456,
"attachment": [
"changed": 1677925664,
"hash": "FILE_HASH",
"id": "FILE_UUID",
"name": "FILE_NAME",
"size": 240,
"version": 0
"device": 456,
"is_draft": true,
"is_mail": true,
"is_outgoing": true,
"is_parent": true,
"is_public": true,
"mail_send_time": 123,
"mail_sent": true,
"modification_reason": 456,
"modification_reason_additional": "ABC",
"note": "ABC",
"note_short": "ABC",
"originating_mail": "ABC",
"originating_ticket": 456,
"parent_child": 456,
"pending": 123,
"problem_contact_stakeholder": true,
"read_by_agent": true,
"requested_for": 456,
"signature": 456,
"state": 456,
"subject": "ABC",
"criticality": 456,
"creation_date": 123,
"created_on": 123,
"created_by": 456,
"closed": true,
"change_subject": true,
"type": 456,
"ticket": 456,
"text_block": 456,
"team": 456
The images I sent 3 days ago correspond to a test ticket created by me, it was not imported, so I noticed there is a table called "Worklog" where all conversations are stored, so theres a property in Worklog called "ticket" and there are 2 worklogs for that ticket 52 (images from 3 days ago), But I can´t get all the worklogs of a ticket in a only response, the method get gives me 2 times the same ticket, with the same information, except the (5) Worklog that gives me id worklog 68 and then 69, please help, sorry for my english, I'm from Chile,