There are many good tutorials on how to setup Docker Compose, like this one. You do not need to know how to build Docker images for REI3 - you setup Docker Compose (s. tutorial above), download the Docker Compose file from our website and start it with docker compose up
from inside the same directory. This will automatically setup REI3, its database, configuration and so on in multiple Docker containers.
Just beware: The Docker Compose file we provide is not meant for production environments - please use it only for development or testing. For production, you should not only adjust the Docker Compose file to your infrastructure, you should also understand how Docker works. If you don´t, its very easy to do something wrong and loose all data.
YogiYang In fact Docker can also make it possible to deploy on Windows.
You do not need Docker to deploy on Windows. We have a native Windows version of REI3 with an installer and different deployment options. If you want the most simple setup, you run the installer, choose standalone
deployment and REI3 immediately starts after the installation.