usr338 Hi, Should i turn of EACH ROW for statement level trigger? I want to trigger run after multiple record changed or inserted in relation. I tried to turn off each row and turn on deferred, to simulate statement level trigger , but it was not possible!
gabriel Statememt triggers work very differently to row triggers, here is the full documentation: A statement trigger runs after the entire statement was executed, so there is no point in it being deferred - that´s why the option is disabled.
usr338 gabriel Thanks for response but i wanted to know how can i create statement level trigger in REI3? should i turnoff each row option?
gabriel Sorry, I did not understand your question. And yes, you would disable EACH ROW for statement level triggers. Btw. if you want to check yourself, you can connect to the R3 DB and check your triggers. Then you see what R3 does behind the curtain.