to introduce myself: I'm a teacher playing around for while with this great REI3 and really liking it. I got form and waitinglist working for collecting the data of people who are interested in bringing their child to our school.
Everything is fine, until today: I got the same error as adrianf0:
could not finish module import, ERROR: insert or update on table "js_function_depends" violates foreign key constraint "js_function_depends_field_id_on_fkey" (SQLSTATE 23503)
Here are you can have a look at my application:
Version 28 from 31.10. works, and v29 from today doesn't. v35 is the newest after trying around deleting/changing some (unused) columns.
All the relations (most of the others are just for trying out, so it is a bit cluttered) update successfully, except eb95f8ee-f83f-4e71-90c8-c00c8a6ac4c1 ("Interessent:innen").
Would be pleased to get some help
Best regards