Are there any possibilities of being able to process such a query.
json_agg(tmm.*) AS team_members
FROM team_master_new tm
LEFT JOIN team_member_new tmm ON tm.id = tmm.team_id
WHERE (tm.country ILIKE '%' || $1 || '%' OR '%' || $1 || '%' IS NULL)
AND (tm.state ILIKE '%' || $2 || '%' OR '%' || $2 || '%' IS NULL)
AND (tm.area_of_expertise ILIKE '%' || $3 || '%' OR '%' || $3 || '%' IS NULL)
AND (tm.employment_type ILIKE '%' || $4 || '%' OR '%' || $4 || '%' IS NULL)
GROUP BY tm.id
ORDER BY tm.id;
This query will return a filed which will contain data in JSON format.
Are there any features that allow handling and displaying data returned by such a query?