Thank you for the reply. I will try to respond in the same way as it was much easier a read than my original post.
I understand not wanting to include instructions on how to setup postgreSQL in your documentation. The only reason why I suggested it was for many reasons: 1) You are asking people to use 20.04 for Ubuntu which many guides for postgreSQL are for 22.04 or newer and those do not always work. Some of the ones for 20.04 also do not work as some things have changed with many of the updates to other packages and such and so it's not as straight forward. 2) Like I said, I have, especially this week been installing many utilities like yours and generally speaking they have either scripted the install so it's one or two curl commands and the rest is scripted OR they do walk you through installing for the reason I stated above as well as making sure that the required piece of software aside from the OS is installed the way that you would be looking for it to be installed and configured if need be. I have had installs that were very detailed and long requiring many .yaml, .json, and .config file changes and it's all very doable. 3) Like I said originally, I don't want to learn how to use postgreSQL just to be able to install and learn your software as well. It is required but for me it's only a piece to the puzzle. So to say "you just need a UTF8 encoded database... you already lost me. Even my original plan of not using the docker image and doing the full install, I had postgreSQL setup following a guide but that guide didn't explain how to setup the database you need and any further configurations that may come of it would probably lose me as well. I also do not agree that a Linux admin knows how to use postgreSQL. Get it up and running, sure I did that. I don't consider myself a Linux admin by any stretch of the imagination but at the same time I have configured mySQL and MariaDB and I'm assume others work that way as well. I am also not a DBA which yes, I would assume a DBA would know probably how to do that.
In the end, it would be nice that even if the install can be the default postgreSQL install, after that have the setup the way that you need the DB setup so someone doesn't have to learn that. I think there are many like me out there that can figure some things out but when it gets too complicated we just have to walk away because time is limited.
I was just meaning that like the docker image is way more turnkey than doing the traditional install and it would be easy for someone to say "just use the docker image" which yes, it is much more simple to use. It is super simple to get up and running and I'm not very familiar with docker or docker-compose. I did have to monkey with it a little bit to get it up and like I said discover that it was forwarding port 14000 to 80 but Network Chuck showed me one command to figure that out. Once there I was up and running and able to get in. Honestly the docker setup could be a quick document on it's own to get anyone up and running with it.
So what I was trying to say is that I'm not German and so I don't want German stuff in there. There is still some language in the platform that is in German. I was looking for a place to change the language. When I could not find anywhere I went to the first application where I found German which was the Article > New Article. The language defaulted to German. This means that in the "all articles" view there would be an option to toggle between the two and I didn't want extra steps so I was trying to figure out how to remove it or change the default away from German. I did not see/realize that each section had a "Configuration" area and was going into the app where I was able to find a language inside under "Application Languages". I removed the German but that did not change the default language of the article etc. Eventually I did discover the Configuration > Global Settings and was able to remove it from there altogether which helped. There is still a Schlagwörter* under the New Bookmark that I am working on removing/fixing. I cannot figure it out at all.
With the toggles.... I don't mean to argue my point but your changelog goes as far back as v1.1.2 in 2020. The first iPhone came out in 2007. and there are 4.8B users between Android OS and iOS and both of them use left=off and right=on. So yea, it's been kind of a thing. Not to mention you use 0 and 1 which on a number line is left to right. I could be wrong but again, at least since the invent of the smart phone and toggling options on them and their popularity with other sliders it has been as much of a standard as I think you can be without saying its a standard.
The only other issue right now that was kind of painful was that after install there wasn't either 1) any sample data in the database so that I can get up and running quickly or a way to put sample data in or 2) any walkthrough on first launch to setup the basics. What happened was I would go to try to test something like a task. I couldn't because I needed to have someone to tie it to (couldn't select my admin account). So I had to go start doing that. Then doing that I had to have like 4 other things that required to be setup. Now, I am thankful that you had the ability to "add" a new one from that box however because I was doing it from there I don't REALLY know what I am doing, where it is going, what else that ties into and lastly because I was trying to test out the functionality of a Task, I wasn't thinking about what all I wanted to setup for accounts and users and sites and customers and whatever else I had to setup. you should have an option with the docker image at least to grab a populated install that has a test company all setup and ready to go so you can test everything out of the box. if not then I would suggest that you have a small setup procedure on first run that walks the person doing the setup in setting up the first Organization: Customer/Internal, Location, Department, Teams, in which you could use this time to explain what each of them are. Yes, I get it... you have a demo that people can play with yes, but people want to be able to have their install that they can test with, put email settings into, mess with the MFA, setup a few test login accounts etc. etc. etc. and they don't want to do that on your demo.
Like I said before anything I am saying, I have done/experienced in other platforms. These past two weeks alone I setup: TacticalRMM, Wazuh, Trudesk, and AlienVault OSSIM. I have experience in the past setting up: OSTicket, Observium, PRTG, RocketChat, and many other setups from many different sources from Turnkeylinux to Bitnami to Docker Images... you name it. They all handle these things in different ways. You guys have a great product here. and I am excited to get playing with it.