Most easy way would be via an backend function. - So you trigger an frontend function via the button which will call an backend function and get all the data you want back to your frontend function (stored within 'res').
let template_id = app.get_field_value({0:lsw_tickets.ticket.template});
app.call_backend({lsw_tickets.get_template_information}, template_id).then(
res => {
app.set_field_value({0:lsw_tickets.ticket.description}, res);
err => {
Alternatively, if you only want to achieve this via frontend functions only, you could join (without any additional filters, if you have an n:1 or 1:1 relation) the relation where 'session_id' is located and place the fields you want to copy into your form (make them hidden if you only need to copy the values).
Via frontend function you could now use the placeholders to read values from your hidden fields and use them in another context. I hope you could follow my explanation.
app.set_field_value({0:lsw_tickets.ticket.note}, app.get_field_value({17:lsw_tickets.text_block.text}));
you will find a lot of examples for both cases in applications like lsw_tickets.